
I need you to know...

There's not ONE member of my family that's not vague or stoic with most of the things/happenings in our lives...  I can't tell you how frustrating this is, but I also can't say I'm not the same way...must be genetic.  So this is a hard post for me to just lay out there...
We're moving soon.  Far, far AWAY.  While I'm excited at the adventure before us and the people we'll be getting to see more of, I'm so so saddened to be leaving the family and friends we have here.  I have a sister and a brother & his family in this HUGE state of Alaska that I won't get to see NEARLY as often, certainly not as often as I'd like (cuz that'd be every day), we have a church family that we grow closer to all the time & now that relationship is coming to a halt.
I wish, dear family and friends, that we could all just BE in the same place...SEE each other every day. I want you to know that I'm not this selfish little girl who's too busy to spend time with any of you - NAY - I long for more time with you all!  It's a poor excuse to say "I just got too busy" but you wake up and life happens, and then before you know it, the kids are asleep and all you have energy for is to brush your fuzzy teeth and climb the stairs to bed...
PLEASE KNOW that you all mean the world to me, and if I could tell you to your face without crying or feeling like the socially inept person that I am I'd do it!
Jeff & Tricia & Adam & Ash & Brad & Josh: I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!  I'm going to miss seeing you all!  I get so excited every time we get to drive your way and I can barely contain myself in the seat!
Lisa: I don't know what we're going to do when I just want to drive up the road and hang.  You make me laugh so much and you ALWAYS make me feel special...  And every time a car drives by our house and Michael says "it's TT!" I just don't know how I'm going to be able to tell him it's not so...
I'm not trying to make any of you feel bad - just know that we love you so much and miss you already! Just in case I'm too vague or stoic (or inept) to tell you - I love you!


This week...

Ben's been rolling over more & more & even sat up for a few seconds by himself...  :)  Also, at dinner one night (brekkie for dinner) we had little toothpick forks in the banana slices & Michael took 3 of them out & stuck 'em between his fingers like Wolverine...  Lovin' these boys!