
Oh baby, baby!

Because my placenta is in the front, all the pictures were fuzzy and baby was hard to capture on camera...Not to mention baby is a mover and a shaker... ;D
Here is the best shot we have for the last ultrasound we had - last week at 19 weeks. We DO have a great shot of a foot, but figured people would want to see baby...

This is one of those 3d images that at first looked more creepy than they did cute, but this is the best shot of our baby for this round, giving a thumb's up! ;)
(Already loving that our child has our nerdiness - first US baby was waving hi, second US baby was doing the truffle shuffle, now we get a thumb's up! Love it, love it, love it! LOVE BABY!)

20 Weeks

Last week, Sean and I hit 19 weeks. We both got to feel baby kick together, we had an ultrasound that showed our healthy, happy baby, and now we're at 20 weeks! Half-way there, if baby comes on time... ;)
We've been really enjoying this time and relishing seeing the baby we've waited so long for grow and develop and change...just like my belly... ;)

I can't wait to meet this beautiful little creature, cry more tears of joy, and learn ALL the things we have to learn on this new journey! :D


Ode to Cakewrecks...

Sean and I are avid fans of Cakewrecks - a blog featuring horrendously awful cakes made by professionals. Well, being fans of said site, one of my birthday gifts from Sean this year was an ode to Cakewrecks and all the laughs we have had together looking at the posts:

We have here an example of a cakewreck. Let's review some of the vital things needed to make a wreck, according to Jen (the site's creator and writer):
  • A glop of frosting (glopping is key, and despite the wrecker's attempt at making a twist, this is, in fact, a glop)
  • Flotsam (penguin flotsam is even BETTER - thanks Sean!)
  • Multicolor airbrushing done very quickly so as to miss several areas of frosting
  • Key item: SPRINKLES!!
Now, this IS a cupcake, another ode to the "dreaded CCC" (cupcake cake..."patooey!"), but we are poor, and could not go for the whole CCC... :( Here, however, is evidence that you don't need loads of money to have a good time. Just an awful cake. ;) You should see the cake I have planned for Sean's first Father's Day next year! Okay - it's almost an exact copy of this:


Again - if you haven't looked at Cakewrecks - it is highly recommended: full of laughs, wit, and lots of really funny (sometimes scary) photos of what *should* on all accounts be a cake....


Baby Mine

We got to go to the doctor again yesterday. Baby's heartbeat was 160 and the doctor said that was really good - "we got a winner!" I will never tire of hearing that sound... I still remember the first time - tears. And still, yesterday - tears. :)
I can't wait to meet this little bundle of joy...that will inevitably drive us crazy from time to time, but still.... I'm excited. Understatement of the year. ;)
Sean just beams....he's so handsome! :) "My cup runneth over..."


So... ;)

As most of you know, we have some great news! ;) After much waiting, and then some more waiting, some heartache, and then even more waiting, Sean and I are expecting a baby! ;D Baby is due the first week of May. We'll let you all know then whether it's a boy or girl! ;) I'm excited to wait (if THAT makes any sense)...
Baby is healthy and happy thus far and that's what our prayers continue to be for...

Here is Baby at 8 weeks - waving hi! ;)

Here is Baby at 10 weeks, doing the truffle shuffle! ;D

We had a couple scares there in the beginning but the doctor has assured us that everything looks really good and that Baby is growing well! :) I have another appt. on Monday, and I'll be at 13 weeks. :) God is good!


Oh for the lack of blogging!

ARG!  It has been almost one month since my last entry....my apologies!  I don't have any excuses other than being busy....
Sean and I started Firefly again - every once in a while we like to restart or re-watch a series that we love, and a couple times a year will watch Firefly.  If you've never seen it I highly recommend it - awesomely funny western-meets-space-travel written into existence by the ever-witty Joss Whedon.  It's not a long series, unfortunately - but not for lack of talented crew or skilled actors and great writing - it was pre-empted during it's first several shows for BASEBALL coverage.  arg. Nevertheless, it's a great show and worthy of checking out.  ;)  
I babble, mostly because I have no real news or anything of consequence to write about.  babblebabblebabble.  I had a job interview today.  I posted pictures for my project 365.


Please go look if you have the inclination to....  I've been taking care of Sean while he's been sick.  I will go until I have something more interesting to write.  ;P  Take care, my dear friends!  ;D


What a start!

What a great first day for my project 365....a trip to the Biltmore Mansion!  Nevermind that I was sicker than a dog (didn't get to surprise my NC friend....)  :(  

Nevertheless, we had a beautiful day and got some cool shots to share with y'all (oh, see now - that Southern talk is rubbin off on me....)  ;)  Here are some shots from our day today.
We weren't allowed to take pictures inside, but a braver me would have anyway.  There were, however, workers EVERYWHERE, so I didn't chance it.  Maybe next time....  ;)

You can also follow my project 365 on Flickr at:

This was the initial view of the mansion from the trail that we took.  Beauty, eh?

Sean and I....  ;D

My father-in-law Harvey

One of many cool fountains on the grounds, an area so vast they measure it in square miles, not acres....yeesh!

Lovely trees....

This sucker's huge!  It wouldn't all fit in there....  Beautiful details everywhere you look....

One of many gargoyles, which are *NOT* evil, by the way....they were meant to ward off evil.

We thought this lion looked like Honey.  And this is the view of Honey that I get to have every morning as she stands over me on the bed just staring at me....time to get up Mommy!  Except that she has huge golden retriever ears dangling down....and no mane....hmmm....

For those of you that have seen Private Eyes (kudos to you!), it was filmed at the Biltmore Mansion.  Here is the tunnel that several of the characters drive through at various times before ending up in a lake down the road (which is really elsewhere....sorry to disappoint....)

Sean got the biggest kick out of the name for this park, and the park after it - Melten Hill.  Sooo....he took a picture for us to treasure always.  ;)  I love it!


Fireflies and Lightning Storms, a first and a favorite

Our first night in Tennessee was graced with bunches and bunches of little glowing fireflies dancing around us in the trees and gullies surrounding the house.  As we settled back for the night, storm clouds began rolling in, thunder rumbling and lightning streaking across the sky.  It has been so very long since we've seen lightning and heard thunder, and we really enjoyed it.  
Every night since our arrival (save tonight) we've walked around the loop and looked at the fireflies dancing and flitting through the night as the deer advance on their own regular route of travel.  
And so it becomes, that one of my firsts (seeing fireflies), has also become one of my favorites (much like said lightning storms).  

*Image copyright manglobe 2004


Little Black Bear

I just came to the realization that I never posted pics from our last trip to Anchorage - when Sean saw his first black bear!  On our way through Skilak area we saw this little guy on the left side of the highway, and on our way back home later that day, it was on the other side of the road in the same area....  So, we stopped to take a couple pics.  

On the way TO Anchorage, Honey saw it and just wanted to play, but on the way back, she saw it again, and tried to tell little black bear just who was boss.  So, little black bear ran off.  :|  But we did manage to get a couple shots....  

Maybe we'll see you again someday....  


Holy Peanut Butter Cookies, Batman!

SO, tonight I baked a quadruple batch of PB cookies, and all I can say is, "holy moly!"  (No, I do not know what a moly is....so if you do, please let me know....)  ;)  I only write about this particular cookie baking instance, because due to the amount of peanut butter involved in this gargantuan batch of cookies, the evening got a little comical....

I almost lost my spoon to the pull of the PB....I seriously couldn't get it out for the longest time!

After I was able to get my spoon back (phew!), I went on with my usual cookie-bakiness....

(this is my favorite PB cookie making tool....)  ;)

...aaaand here's how we use it!

(Jimmy Buffet music not required, but definitely more fun!  Almost as fun as watching Spirit while baking, that's my usual tradition.  Which may explain why tonight's baking was vastly weirder....)

Heeeere's the first batch:

Hey....wait a second....these ones are square!  Look at these monstrosities!  Blasted methods of mass production....

Lemme try that again....

That's more like it!  Circular peanut butter cookies are definitely less ominous....  ehhhxxxxcept that now they look like unassuming cow pies.  *sigh*  They're still tasty (hey - it's peanut butter!)  ;)  


You CAN'T be Serious....

So, our fourth anniversary is approaching, and I was online looking at the traditional anniversary gift list.  Apparently, the fourth anniversary is celebrated with fruit and flowers.  Okay.  My curiosity was peaked as I scrolled down the page for some ideas, and saw a list of adverstisements at the bottom....  You can give the love of your life a truly aMAzing arrangement of flowers to let him know that HE is the ONE for you and that you love EVERYTHING about him....  Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

Beer Mug of Blooms™
beer glass of mini carnations

Oh, dang it - I *JUST* remembered....  Sean's allergic to beer.  Guess I'll have to keep searching....  ;P  heehee....

**Don't get me wrong, my friends, I like a good beer now and then too, but come on....BEER flowers??  I guess nothin' says lovin' like yer beer mug o' blooms....


Not so much....

I had another set of injections in my back on Thursday, so needless to say, I'm not feeling up to much of anything....  :(  First set went so well that the doc actually said "Sweet!"  Second set, he had to dig around for a while before he could find the right spot in my spine....  Ahhh....good times....  
I do have to admit, despite that, that I have a great doc that will not just give up or put the shot any old place he can find - he wants to make things better and do it right, so thanks Dr.!  
More (unmedicated) blogging to come later....

It'll suck you in....

I've begun reading a book - only just, mind you, but so far - it's pretty darn good....  I have this thing for horses.  I *also* have a thing for kids - especially kids with autism.  I've worked with several of them over the last few years and there is one thing that has been consistent with EACH one - they capture my heart.  So there's this book - The Horse Boy.  Don't want to divulge too much, but just want to say that you take a child that doesn't communicate well with other humans and put him with a creature so wonderful, and healing in so many respects, and you have the makings of a great book.  Not to mention - it's a true story of a family's journey in learning about autism.  
I also used to work at a therapeutic riding ranch in CA - *SO* many amazing stories from there - will fill you in tomorrow perhaps....
But for now, horse lovers and kid lovers - check it out....  It's pretty darn good.

The Horse Boy by Rupert Isaacson: CD Audiobook Cover

How do you like them apples?

I was told, not too long ago, that processed foods are not so great on the body, especially for someone dealing with chronic pain.  You see, I injured my back in a car accident 10 years ago, and despite a very successful surgery, I've been weaker than I once was.  A few years ago, I injured my back again - this time my thoracic spine (SO - don't EVER feel the need to separate two male teens that are twice your size when they are duking it out).  ANYway, one of my many physical therapists (an aquatherapist, actually), made me promise to not eat processed foods for six months - informing me of all the bad things in processed food that act as inflammatory agents.  I must confess, I didn't make it six months.  But this new information awoke within me a desire to eat better, not just for me and my health, but for my husband and our future family as well.  As with any goal, it is easier met with higher motivation when you have a partner that spurns you on.  My partner, my husband, my best friend seems to have been born with a deep aversion to all foods healthy.  I actually asked him earlier "if I start making healthier food - and that's all you can eat, you'll eat it, right?"  His response was less than encouraging.  "I don't know....I guess."  Hmmm....  So it is here that I embark on this journey to eating healthier, with my partner in tow, showing him that there ARE healthy options out there that are *gasp* tasty and filling.  And perhaps....just perhaps....I'll get him to pick up an apple (or some other wonderful whole food) when he wants a snack, instead of resorting to something that is processed beyond any amount of sanity.  Wish us luck....  Signing off....


If you EVER need a laugh....

....then you HAVE to check out this blog:

I have no words to describe just how funny it is....  



"Most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes...."  

So I know that XMen is not necessarily a spiritual movie - but we were watching it today and that line just really caught my attention this time.  It's not even limited to spirituality, but it encompasses that we all need to open the eyes of our hearts, and not just look around with tunnel vision.  So many people limit themselves from experiencing something truly wonderful just because they're not willing to "see" it for what it truly is.  Live life with your heart wide open....  


"Baaad llama...."

Baaad blogger!  I've been so bad at this lately, but here I am - ready for bloggy redemption and here to serve all your blog-reading needs....  ;)  

My in-laws (I was blessed, folks) have gifted Sean and I with tickets to come see them in June/July - so for 10 days I will be in hilly TN!  I'm a little bummed that the Renfaire has already come and gone for this year, but we'll have a good time anyway....  So, pics will be posted, and fun will be had....not necessarily in that order.  ;)  


Little Baby Aagaard

I love you, Little Baby Aagaard....