
"Ga Cacka"

Benny's new word is graham cracker!  He's currently (right now, actually) enjoying ripping off his clothes (taking cue from his big brother, who is also currently de-robing) and really likes chewing on his socks...  O.o  His favorite song is a song about dump trucks, and he can get his groove on like none other.

Michael's school is getting geared up for a Christmas program, sort of an impromptu one, so he's been learning some new songs at school - his favorite is the Little Drummer Boy, but he also really likes to sing "We Will Rock You" and has been quoting He-Man's power speech all week.

My folks were here a few days ago and they helped the boys decorate our Christmas tree - our first one in several years and the boys' first Christmas tree ever.

 Benny's first time hanging an ornament!

Checkin' out his work...

(Bampa's right there to catch this brave little boy)

The All Finished Congratulatory Head Rub

All done!

Bath time beckons...mostly because I have 2 naked little boys running around and I might as well take advantage of the opportunity!
Thanks Marmie for taking pics of the occasion!