We're very excited!
Also, I'm fat. Another little girl at school asked me on Friday if I was having a baby. I said, "yes, how did you know?" She looked at me point-blank and said, "because you're fat!" :) Warm fuzzies... I just smiled. She then proceeded to give me a gift she had "made just for me." (I've never met this little girl...) I took the pink paper cut outs and told her how beautiful they were, one being a puppy and one being a dragonfly. Or a skinny butterfly. Or a dragon. Still pretty! :) Later on I went back into the same classroom for something and she asked me when I was going to give her a note. Perplexed, I asked, "a note for what?" She promptly replied, "so I can come to your house and see the baby!" I smiled and told her I'd bring the baby to school so she could see. She asked if she could be baby's auntie. :) heehee....
And today the daughter of a teacher friend of mine told me that she likes my baby. :) heehee....
I love my job....(and my baby...)