
Update, sans photos

SO much has happened since the last post that I'm not even sure what to title this one.  Sean is in Haiti.  Michael is 1.  I am done with work for the school year and Sean has lost his job (for Godly reasons).  We are at such a strange place in our lives, and God is really working on our hearts.  :)
You would think I would be scared at the thought of Sean not working right now.  But he desires to work. He longs for something more than retail....understanding that God can use you wherever you are, but still desires something more...  I've been there.  ;)
Just since I've started this post AMAZING things have happened!!!  Well, one amazing thing - I GOT TO SKYPE WITH SEAN!!!  And such a wonderful surprise!  Wasn't even thinking that would happen - I was just on to update our things and skype with his folks so they could see Michael, but he called via another mission team member's account!  :)  
Prayer requests: safe travels for the team tomorrow as they travel back from Haiti, and for Sean's stepdad - he suffered a stroke this morning and seems to be doing very well, and is at home, but is being monitored.  Pray for a FULL recovery!  


Tori said...

Sean is in Haiti?? Wow, that's awesome! I'll be praying for you guys. Thanks for the update. Miss you on facebook. <3

Jess :) said...

Thanks Tori!!! I miss you! And I miss having facebook... ;P heehee....
I'm super excited to have net access - even if it's only for a couple days..... ;) (I'm with a friend in Anchorage waiting for Sean...)

canongirl said...

Hi!!! So here is where I can find you! Miss you on Facebook. I think it's amazing Sean is there to help. Tell him hello and happy belated birthday to Micheal! :)

Lacee said...

Wow that is a lot of change! Best wishes in this time of transition. We'll think of you in our prayers tonight.