
It'll suck you in....

I've begun reading a book - only just, mind you, but so far - it's pretty darn good....  I have this thing for horses.  I *also* have a thing for kids - especially kids with autism.  I've worked with several of them over the last few years and there is one thing that has been consistent with EACH one - they capture my heart.  So there's this book - The Horse Boy.  Don't want to divulge too much, but just want to say that you take a child that doesn't communicate well with other humans and put him with a creature so wonderful, and healing in so many respects, and you have the makings of a great book.  Not to mention - it's a true story of a family's journey in learning about autism.  
I also used to work at a therapeutic riding ranch in CA - *SO* many amazing stories from there - will fill you in tomorrow perhaps....
But for now, horse lovers and kid lovers - check it out....  It's pretty darn good.

The Horse Boy by Rupert Isaacson: CD Audiobook Cover

1 comment:

glitzen said...

That looks fantastic!!!! Can I borrow it after you? The sped teacher and horse nut BOTH come out in me when I see a book like this! :)
Great to see you blogging again. I will haunt your blog again now. Hee hee.