
Fireflies and Lightning Storms, a first and a favorite

Our first night in Tennessee was graced with bunches and bunches of little glowing fireflies dancing around us in the trees and gullies surrounding the house.  As we settled back for the night, storm clouds began rolling in, thunder rumbling and lightning streaking across the sky.  It has been so very long since we've seen lightning and heard thunder, and we really enjoyed it.  
Every night since our arrival (save tonight) we've walked around the loop and looked at the fireflies dancing and flitting through the night as the deer advance on their own regular route of travel.  
And so it becomes, that one of my firsts (seeing fireflies), has also become one of my favorites (much like said lightning storms).  

*Image copyright manglobe 2004


Little Black Bear

I just came to the realization that I never posted pics from our last trip to Anchorage - when Sean saw his first black bear!  On our way through Skilak area we saw this little guy on the left side of the highway, and on our way back home later that day, it was on the other side of the road in the same area....  So, we stopped to take a couple pics.  

On the way TO Anchorage, Honey saw it and just wanted to play, but on the way back, she saw it again, and tried to tell little black bear just who was boss.  So, little black bear ran off.  :|  But we did manage to get a couple shots....  

Maybe we'll see you again someday....  


Holy Peanut Butter Cookies, Batman!

SO, tonight I baked a quadruple batch of PB cookies, and all I can say is, "holy moly!"  (No, I do not know what a moly is....so if you do, please let me know....)  ;)  I only write about this particular cookie baking instance, because due to the amount of peanut butter involved in this gargantuan batch of cookies, the evening got a little comical....

I almost lost my spoon to the pull of the PB....I seriously couldn't get it out for the longest time!

After I was able to get my spoon back (phew!), I went on with my usual cookie-bakiness....

(this is my favorite PB cookie making tool....)  ;)

...aaaand here's how we use it!

(Jimmy Buffet music not required, but definitely more fun!  Almost as fun as watching Spirit while baking, that's my usual tradition.  Which may explain why tonight's baking was vastly weirder....)

Heeeere's the first batch:

Hey....wait a second....these ones are square!  Look at these monstrosities!  Blasted methods of mass production....

Lemme try that again....

That's more like it!  Circular peanut butter cookies are definitely less ominous....  ehhhxxxxcept that now they look like unassuming cow pies.  *sigh*  They're still tasty (hey - it's peanut butter!)  ;)  


You CAN'T be Serious....

So, our fourth anniversary is approaching, and I was online looking at the traditional anniversary gift list.  Apparently, the fourth anniversary is celebrated with fruit and flowers.  Okay.  My curiosity was peaked as I scrolled down the page for some ideas, and saw a list of adverstisements at the bottom....  You can give the love of your life a truly aMAzing arrangement of flowers to let him know that HE is the ONE for you and that you love EVERYTHING about him....  Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

Beer Mug of Blooms™
beer glass of mini carnations

Oh, dang it - I *JUST* remembered....  Sean's allergic to beer.  Guess I'll have to keep searching....  ;P  heehee....

**Don't get me wrong, my friends, I like a good beer now and then too, but come on....BEER flowers??  I guess nothin' says lovin' like yer beer mug o' blooms....