
Holy Peanut Butter Cookies, Batman!

SO, tonight I baked a quadruple batch of PB cookies, and all I can say is, "holy moly!"  (No, I do not know what a moly is....so if you do, please let me know....)  ;)  I only write about this particular cookie baking instance, because due to the amount of peanut butter involved in this gargantuan batch of cookies, the evening got a little comical....

I almost lost my spoon to the pull of the PB....I seriously couldn't get it out for the longest time!

After I was able to get my spoon back (phew!), I went on with my usual cookie-bakiness....

(this is my favorite PB cookie making tool....)  ;)

...aaaand here's how we use it!

(Jimmy Buffet music not required, but definitely more fun!  Almost as fun as watching Spirit while baking, that's my usual tradition.  Which may explain why tonight's baking was vastly weirder....)

Heeeere's the first batch:

Hey....wait a second....these ones are square!  Look at these monstrosities!  Blasted methods of mass production....

Lemme try that again....

That's more like it!  Circular peanut butter cookies are definitely less ominous....  ehhhxxxxcept that now they look like unassuming cow pies.  *sigh*  They're still tasty (hey - it's peanut butter!)  ;)  


Coffeeintherain said...

I love the cookie pattern! I need to find one of those! :)

glitzen said...

Great cookies! I love your writing style. Lost spoon indeed! :)