
Ode to Cakewrecks...

Sean and I are avid fans of Cakewrecks - a blog featuring horrendously awful cakes made by professionals. Well, being fans of said site, one of my birthday gifts from Sean this year was an ode to Cakewrecks and all the laughs we have had together looking at the posts:

We have here an example of a cakewreck. Let's review some of the vital things needed to make a wreck, according to Jen (the site's creator and writer):
  • A glop of frosting (glopping is key, and despite the wrecker's attempt at making a twist, this is, in fact, a glop)
  • Flotsam (penguin flotsam is even BETTER - thanks Sean!)
  • Multicolor airbrushing done very quickly so as to miss several areas of frosting
  • Key item: SPRINKLES!!
Now, this IS a cupcake, another ode to the "dreaded CCC" (cupcake cake..."patooey!"), but we are poor, and could not go for the whole CCC... :( Here, however, is evidence that you don't need loads of money to have a good time. Just an awful cake. ;) You should see the cake I have planned for Sean's first Father's Day next year! Okay - it's almost an exact copy of this:


Again - if you haven't looked at Cakewrecks - it is highly recommended: full of laughs, wit, and lots of really funny (sometimes scary) photos of what *should* on all accounts be a cake....


glitzen said...

HA HA!!! I love cakewrecks, what a hoot. I never thought of trying to make one..you are SO creative. Its beautiful and horrible. YOu win. :)

Jess :) said...

Oh Geri! You're sweet - but we didn't make it - it was a find by Sean....