
20 Weeks

Last week, Sean and I hit 19 weeks. We both got to feel baby kick together, we had an ultrasound that showed our healthy, happy baby, and now we're at 20 weeks! Half-way there, if baby comes on time... ;)
We've been really enjoying this time and relishing seeing the baby we've waited so long for grow and develop and change...just like my belly... ;)

I can't wait to meet this beautiful little creature, cry more tears of joy, and learn ALL the things we have to learn on this new journey! :D

1 comment:

amber_25 said...

Love the baby belly sista. You look amazing!!! That is a really good ultrasound pic of the baby. I think that those 3D ones are so cool. I hope that you are feeling as good as you look. Every month is more exciting than the last. Live in evey moment of it becuse before you know it baby will be here. Dawson used to get the hickups all the time have no noticed your lil baby getting them? Oh I miss you so much. there is so much I would love to catch up on. I am off to get my Christmas shopping all done. Well keep taken good care of yourself momma ;) hugs & kisses
Amber & Dawson