
Love your pet...

The conversation I had the other day with a young fella, as he and his mom were beating their dog in the back of their car:
Me:  Hey!  C'mon man!  That's enough!
Him:  Dog chewed up all my stuff!
Me:  Yeah, that happens.  I have 2 dogs that've done that.  Take it easy on her!
Him:  Maybe you should train your dogs!  (What - no self-revelation???)
Me:  Umm... Maybe you should train YOURS.
Him:  Shut up!  (gets in car and speeds away)

Needless to say, this was not the most grown-up conversation I've ever had with anyone, but I feel like God put animals under our care, and we're supposed to do just that - CARE for them.  

Dog gets bored in car, dog chews on pack leader's items...

And so, little "man" and his mom:  I hope you think about how you treat your animals, whether people can see you or not.  And I hope you realize what an amazing friend you have in this beautiful creature that trusts you with their life, whether or not they chew on a few of your things...  

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