

This past weekend, I attended a retreat for the women of several congregations around the state of Alaska.  I was blessed with a scholarship, so it wasn't a financial burden at all and was told repeatedly by my husband that I needed to go so that someone else would be blessed by having given such a generous gift.  My apprehension was not that I secretly dreaded the small talk that would ensue (because I'm awful at that), or the possibility of becoming more transparent in front of my Christian sisters.  My apprehension was buried in the fact that I'd never left Michael before, not overnight anyway.  I was dreading this excursion, solely because I knew I'd be away from my son for roughly 3 days.  That's a long time for a well-seasoned mama, much less a new mama.  (Okay, okay, he's 2, but it's still new compared to a lot of other mamas out there...)  Anyway, I heeded my husband's gentle prodding and conceded to attend the women's retreat.  It was hilariously fun!  I missed my son more than words can say (and I cheated on the second day when I asked Sean to bring me something I'd forgotten at home and got to see both of them for a few minutes), but I learned sososo much about how to live simply for the Lord.  Over the next few posts I'll write more about what I learned and how this time benefitted my walk with the Lord, and my ability to serve Him by serving others.  Much love...

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