
You're gonna miss this...

It taking FOREVER to get the boys to go to sleep sometimes, 
changing diapers,
snuggle time, 

when the "crabcake" days are easy to fix,

Michael saying "much (he has much boots, etc)" when he means a lot, 
and the way he says "hoptopterrrr," 

one or both of the boys ALWAYS moving at the precise moment the shutter closes on my camera!!!

Ben wanting MORE food when he's already eaten everything on his tray and I haven't eaten yet at all,

story time, 
                    bath time, 
playing outside - even when it's ridiculously cold out and our noses are frozen, 

Michael getting excited at the prospect of a cup of hot cocoa or pumpkin egg nog like it's the biggest treat in the world, 

Ben laughing at EVERYTHING his big brother does, 


witnessing the look on their faces 
when they see or 
discover something for 
the very first time,

 them believing with their whole beings that they have super powers,

SO much more that I can't even think of right now...

The lyrics to the song "You're Gonna Miss This" really hit home, and my heart just aches knowing that someday is coming: someday when the boys will want their own space, when they're running around doing their own thing for school or whatever, when they've gone off to wherever life takes them, and it just makes me tear up - because I'm truly gonna miss this...all the hustle and bustle of keeping up with these two little firecrackers. So I'm trying really hard to enjoy EVERY moment I have with these beautiful boys, because someday is coming...and I'll never be ready, BUT I can love them and enjoy them with all that I have, right now.

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this


This week...

Benny is saying "hi", "apple"("ap, ap"), "no" (VERRRRY funny...), and has started singing! He likes Old McDonald and sings "E Igleegolo".
He also discovered he can climb the stairs.  o.O

Michael's currently obsessed with pancakes, "po'kin milk" (pumpkin egg nog), whether or not it's dark outside, and he loves it when we're driving on the bridge.

They're both really enjoying being outside and when it snows they like playing in it.  Well, Michael gets excited, Ben's still trying to figure it out.

 Michael's ready to go with his shield!

You can't see it falling, but it's snowing out here...



Since I turned 36 today, I thought I'd write 36 things that not many people, if any, know about me.

  1. I do *NOT* like being tickled.
  2. The love of my life has absolutely NO idea just how much I love him...
  3. I like beer.
  4. I am an empath.
  5. I'm terrified of failure.
  6. I'm even more terrified of success.
  7. I REALLY want to learn an instrument, especially the cello or violin, the guitar and the piano.
  8. I love getting real letters in the mail.
  9. I love baking.
  10. I love eating what I bake.
  11. I am SUPER jealous of pastry chefs.  (That kinda know-how is dangerous!)
  12. I can eat an entire Stouffer's lasagna by myself.  Not the individual size.
  13. I love to write creatively, but am a bit of a McFly...
  14. I've always wanted to be a missionary.  
  15. I *lovelovelove* being a mom.
  16. I really enjoy taking photos.
  17. Fall is my favorite season.
  18. I really dig cooking and baking things from scratch, absolute scratch.  It makes me feel better.
  19. I hate my own voice but would love to learn to use it.  That can mean so many things...
  20. I can take it but I can't dish it out.
  21. I adore reading to my kids...if they'll sit still long enough.
  22. I enjoy holding conversations made up entirely of movie quotes.
  23. I want to open my own therapeutic riding center.
  24. I don't have a favorite number.
  25. I am a morning person - I enjoy how quiet and calm mornings are...
  26. I am actually an introvert.  I pull off looking like an extrovert when I need to. 
  27. Of all the X-Men, I'd like to be Jean Grey.  I don't know if it's her cool powers or that Famke Janssen is just so beautiful.  However...
  28. ...If I had a super power, I'd most enjoy the ability to teleport. 
  29. I absorb people's mannerisms when I'm around them.  For that reason...
  30. ...If I were an X-Men, I'd probably be Rogue.
  31. The smell of unheated leftover food makes me queasy.
  32. I question my faith all the time.
  33. I'll do almost anything a friend asks of me, including waiting for them for hours when they're running late or forget and don't call.
  34. In my brain I'm the best ice skater in the world.
  35. I have no idea who I really am...
  36. I'm still keeping secrets.


Picture Day...so SOON?!?

I never would have thought that the preschool I work at would have a picture day, but they do!
Here are my two little guys on their first picture day ever...

Ben took his seat like a seasoned pro.  Michael, on the other hand, (who usually hams it up pretty good for the camera at home) would NOT let this lady take his photo.  So we played tackle and tickle and every time he'd stand up to "get Mommy", the photographer would take his photo.  Not her first rodeo.  

Needless to say, I think I have two of the cutest boys in history...darn it, they're good lookin!  Here's hoping we raise them up to be as sweet and respectful.


3 Superheroes, 1 Big Damn Hero, & a Princess...

Nope - it's not the beginning of a joke.  My guys all dressed up as superheroes this year for Halloween, I dressed as Kaylee, and our friend's little girl dressed up as Rapunzel.

Gettin' ready to head out...Capt & Rapunzel are rarin' to go!

Here's my Kaylee outfit...shiny!

Here's Capt - ready for action!

My folks grew some pumpkins for the boys - look at the meat on that sucker!

Carving with Daddy


Here's the big guy WITH his "po'kin"

My guys...

Hulkin' out with Bampa

Luh dat belleh

We had a pretty good night with a little trick-or-treating (kept it low-key), some homemade chili, and just welcoming people up to the house for some candy and coloring books.

Highlight (besides the obvious visitors - my folks and my best good friends): At one point while handing out goodies, Michael met his "twin" - another Captain America...as they were leaving I told the kids they all looked amazing, and Michael joined in with "you guys look amazing!  YOU GUYS LOOK AMAZING!  *I* LOOK AMAZING!!!" as he stuck out his belly and muscle-posed on the front porch.