

Since I turned 36 today, I thought I'd write 36 things that not many people, if any, know about me.

  1. I do *NOT* like being tickled.
  2. The love of my life has absolutely NO idea just how much I love him...
  3. I like beer.
  4. I am an empath.
  5. I'm terrified of failure.
  6. I'm even more terrified of success.
  7. I REALLY want to learn an instrument, especially the cello or violin, the guitar and the piano.
  8. I love getting real letters in the mail.
  9. I love baking.
  10. I love eating what I bake.
  11. I am SUPER jealous of pastry chefs.  (That kinda know-how is dangerous!)
  12. I can eat an entire Stouffer's lasagna by myself.  Not the individual size.
  13. I love to write creatively, but am a bit of a McFly...
  14. I've always wanted to be a missionary.  
  15. I *lovelovelove* being a mom.
  16. I really enjoy taking photos.
  17. Fall is my favorite season.
  18. I really dig cooking and baking things from scratch, absolute scratch.  It makes me feel better.
  19. I hate my own voice but would love to learn to use it.  That can mean so many things...
  20. I can take it but I can't dish it out.
  21. I adore reading to my kids...if they'll sit still long enough.
  22. I enjoy holding conversations made up entirely of movie quotes.
  23. I want to open my own therapeutic riding center.
  24. I don't have a favorite number.
  25. I am a morning person - I enjoy how quiet and calm mornings are...
  26. I am actually an introvert.  I pull off looking like an extrovert when I need to. 
  27. Of all the X-Men, I'd like to be Jean Grey.  I don't know if it's her cool powers or that Famke Janssen is just so beautiful.  However...
  28. ...If I had a super power, I'd most enjoy the ability to teleport. 
  29. I absorb people's mannerisms when I'm around them.  For that reason...
  30. ...If I were an X-Men, I'd probably be Rogue.
  31. The smell of unheated leftover food makes me queasy.
  32. I question my faith all the time.
  33. I'll do almost anything a friend asks of me, including waiting for them for hours when they're running late or forget and don't call.
  34. In my brain I'm the best ice skater in the world.
  35. I have no idea who I really am...
  36. I'm still keeping secrets.

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