
3 Superheroes, 1 Big Damn Hero, & a Princess...

Nope - it's not the beginning of a joke.  My guys all dressed up as superheroes this year for Halloween, I dressed as Kaylee, and our friend's little girl dressed up as Rapunzel.

Gettin' ready to head out...Capt & Rapunzel are rarin' to go!

Here's my Kaylee outfit...shiny!

Here's Capt - ready for action!

My folks grew some pumpkins for the boys - look at the meat on that sucker!

Carving with Daddy


Here's the big guy WITH his "po'kin"

My guys...

Hulkin' out with Bampa

Luh dat belleh

We had a pretty good night with a little trick-or-treating (kept it low-key), some homemade chili, and just welcoming people up to the house for some candy and coloring books.

Highlight (besides the obvious visitors - my folks and my best good friends): At one point while handing out goodies, Michael met his "twin" - another Captain America...as they were leaving I told the kids they all looked amazing, and Michael joined in with "you guys look amazing!  YOU GUYS LOOK AMAZING!  *I* LOOK AMAZING!!!" as he stuck out his belly and muscle-posed on the front porch.

1 comment:

Tori said...

Ahhhhh!!! I love everyone's costumes!!! Shiny indeed!!