
A few MORE of my favorites...

I have a few more gems for you from the last couple weeks at work... Not many, but a few:
  • Millie: My cousin's almost pregnant. Me: How can your cousin be *almost* pregnant? Millie: Well, she graduated high school, and so now she's almost pregnant! (I'm so relieved that our children are learning to think this way...sarcasm, sarcasm... Much debate went on over whether or not someone could actually be almost pregnant.)
  • So, I don't wanna be rude but........................(eyes rolling around in his head looking for best wording possible).............................whenisitdue? (Holding breath hoping I won't be offended at him asking me slyly whether or not there is, in fact, a baby in there.) Ahhh....the mind of a 10 year old....
  • Why didn't you have your baby yet? OOH - YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR BABY TODAY!!!
  • You should have a girl. I want you to. You should have a girl. You could name her Jessica. I think you should have a girl. Girls are cuter. *grin*
I have also really been enjoying the tapping on my belly to get my attention instead of tapping on my shoulder or raising their hands... ;) I love my job! ;D Can't wait to hear all the goofy things our little kiddo will say... ;D


Lacee said...

Kids really do say the darndest things :)

glitzen said...

Ka-YUTE! I love the silly willy things that come out of their mouths. So entertaining!