
My Little Man...

Michael, Son, Son-o-son, Nomnom, Pippin, Thor, Buddy, Mr. Sweet Cheeks, Snuggle Bug, Toots, Little One, Super Baby, Mr. Mister, Peek-a-choo, Squishy, Stinker, Baby M, Sweet Soul, Kiddo, Jorge (thanks, NNS kiddos!),  Buckets (also Drool Bucket, Fuss Bucket...), Cutie Patootie, I love you!
Happy 8 months today, My Little Man....
What a blessing you are - so funny, so smart, so darn cute!  ;)
Now take your nap, Bebee, so we can play!

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
         The fruit of the womb 
is a reward.
-Psalm 127:3 NKJ


Jack Hanson said...

Ah, the hero of Canton!

Jack Hanson said...
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The Fesslers said...

Such a cutie!! Love your list of nicknames too :)

Jess :) said...

;D So funny Jack! ;D Now that's stuck in my head!
Thanks Rachel! ;)

Tori said...

Awwww, I love that you're calling him Sweet Soul. Gramma used to call us that. :D

Jess :) said...

That's what Sean said when he heard me say that... ;)

Jess :) said...

p.s. Tori - do you have a blog?? :D

Tori said...

Jess, I do not! Only a gmail account. Well, and facebook. That's as close as I get to blogging heehee