
I wanna be Your hands, I wanna be Your feet...

I wanna go where You send me...
Sean and I have talked about missions before.  Several times.  SEVERAL times.  He was never really interested, per se, in doing mission work, but still supported my desire to be on our church's missions team and pray about mission work, and then it hit him like a wall last year that he needed to go to Haiti with a group from our church family here in Kenai, and the Lord really opened his heart to it.
The hardest part?  Parting with the things that tie you down in this world.  And not for a lack of trying.  We don't want things.  Our home is on the market.  I know it's all in good time...  Rather, it's all in God's time...
And I know - we don't need to travel globally to be effective missionaries.  This is so SO true.  And we endeavor to serve, wherever we are.
We do desire, however, to get training, to educate ourselves in how to be most effective as a missionary family, and how to best serve.
And so, we look out there in anticipation.  We've found several schools around the world that train missionaries.  This is what we pray on.  This is what we chew on...
I know our home will sell.  We'll get ourselves out of debt.  We'll free ourselves from the trappings of this world and go where He sends us, whether it's down the street or beyond the horizon.  So please pray - for patience for me.  Steadfastness.  True, unwavering hearts.  A desire to serve others to bring God the glory...  Thank you.

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