

Doggie, horsie, tractor, up, down, Mama, Daddy, Bampa (Grandpa), Memaw (Grandma), gok (yogurt), bus, car, truck, shirt, duck, church, amen, frog, cat, and at least 100 other words...  Our son's ever-growing vocabulary has undoubtedly blossomed to include (today) the word "shiny"...  Our geeky little hearts all a-flutter at the sound of this word, and I wondered how he picked this one up, since we've yet to sit him down in front of our all-time favorite show, Firefly (he's a little young yet).  And here as I type this, the answer dawns on me: from one of us.  Shiny.  :)
Yep, still makes me smile.  Oh, son, our little geek in the making...


*photo courtesy of jolymi08

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