

Michael's taken to calling me Honey.  
He immediately follows this with, "WHERE'S MY SUPERSUIT???"  We do the entire conversation.  It's magical.  So often in my family, especially while growing up, conversations consisted wholly or mostly of movie quotes.  It's funny to see that a trait like that has been inherited.  He's also really into pancakes right now, and would eat them for every meal if he could.  His new favorite thing to watch is "Mountain Troll" (that's what he calls it) - and will sing along like a pro...

Ben has been eating anything he can get his little hands on.  He's also enjoying cruising.  (Sounds like a teenager already...)  Still army-crawling wherever he REALLY needs to go, but he sure gets there fast!  The ugly: he's been refusing his afternoon nap.  Isn't it a little early to go to one nap???  o.O


"It builds character..."

As I sit here, sicky sick *again*, I hear my dad's voice in my head saying that all I need is a good hot toddy.  Realizing I don't have any whiskey.  Or rum.  Or whatever alcohol you use to make said hot toddy (so I used vanilla with Madagascar Vanilla Tea and no lemon...which means it's basically a cup of tea with honey and vanilla...) I fondly recall many of the Dad-isms we Nugents have heard over the years.

My favorite: "It builds character."  Applicable to...anything.  At any time.  Love it.  Use it.

Aforementioned: "Have a hot toddy."  Usually just for when you're sick, but I've heard it at other times too...  ;)

When learning to ride a horse: "Don't fall off."  Also good for other things in life.  Used this too.

When dropping anything necessary for whatever project you're working on: "Son-of-a!" Leave the rest for the imagination.

At dinner: "You'll eat it, and you'll LIKE it!"  Use this too.

The token: "Go ask your mother."  Still gets used when we visit.

And of course: "Don't make me come back there!"  Worked not only in the car but in the home as well.  :)

My dad also taught me to leave things nicer than how I found them, to mean what I say, to keep my word, to check the fluids in my car, to stick to my guns, that family comes first, and to love unconditionally.
I love you, Dad.



We're getting settled in here in Great Falls...  :)  Feels good to be back in Montana...

Ben says: "ha" (hi), "bru" (brother), & "Mama" (we're pretty sure he really means it - he only says it when he sees me or wants me), he really enjoys feeding himself (and Mama), likes to stand and get his groove on, and has discovered the joy of playing roll the ball with me...

Michael's really into: tortillas (at almost every meal, he's gotta have one), doing the ponkin (pumpkin) dance (he totally made this up himself & it's ADORABLE), writing "spells Michael" & listening to me *try* to do Mary Poppins (& Julie Andrews) justice by singing "Stay Awake" at bedtime (his current favorite).  He's also into making Marvel/Star Wars stew...mmm...

These boys bring me joy daily and leave me in awe at the things that they pick up on and I just really love watching them experience things for the first time.  Makes my heart happy...


Oh my WORD...

First of all, ladies, let me say that there are PLENTY of women to dress up as for Halloween, if you so choose to dress up at all.
And to you, costume companies - you need to stop making female versions of all the male characters.  If a girl is geeky enough to want to be a storm trooper, she's going to want to be the real thing, cuz I don't remember seeing the storm hooker in the movie.  (Or from other stories - Green Hooker, or the Flashette...)


(I'm not bagging on you, Amazon...)

These aren't the only absolutely RIDICULOUS costumes out there - there are "slinky" versions of just about all the male characters you can think of.  Again I say, there are so many amazing women characters out there to dress up as - let's represent ourselves WELL ladies!  (If you dress like a storm hooker, you can't get upset when people don't take you seriously!)