
Oh my WORD...

First of all, ladies, let me say that there are PLENTY of women to dress up as for Halloween, if you so choose to dress up at all.
And to you, costume companies - you need to stop making female versions of all the male characters.  If a girl is geeky enough to want to be a storm trooper, she's going to want to be the real thing, cuz I don't remember seeing the storm hooker in the movie.  (Or from other stories - Green Hooker, or the Flashette...)


(I'm not bagging on you, Amazon...)

These aren't the only absolutely RIDICULOUS costumes out there - there are "slinky" versions of just about all the male characters you can think of.  Again I say, there are so many amazing women characters out there to dress up as - let's represent ourselves WELL ladies!  (If you dress like a storm hooker, you can't get upset when people don't take you seriously!)

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