

We're getting settled in here in Great Falls...  :)  Feels good to be back in Montana...

Ben says: "ha" (hi), "bru" (brother), & "Mama" (we're pretty sure he really means it - he only says it when he sees me or wants me), he really enjoys feeding himself (and Mama), likes to stand and get his groove on, and has discovered the joy of playing roll the ball with me...

Michael's really into: tortillas (at almost every meal, he's gotta have one), doing the ponkin (pumpkin) dance (he totally made this up himself & it's ADORABLE), writing "spells Michael" & listening to me *try* to do Mary Poppins (& Julie Andrews) justice by singing "Stay Awake" at bedtime (his current favorite).  He's also into making Marvel/Star Wars stew...mmm...

These boys bring me joy daily and leave me in awe at the things that they pick up on and I just really love watching them experience things for the first time.  Makes my heart happy...

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