
I love....

....that when I'm 80, he'll still kiss my hand.
....that even though he thinks he can't dance, he'll still sway with me in the kitchen.
....that when I don't put enough sugar in his tea, he still drinks it. 
....that when I burn our food, he still says it looks, and tastes, great.
....that we can talk for hours, about nothing and everything.
....that when I laugh his eyes light up.
....that when I cry he looks so worried.
....that when I finally think I've run out of things to say, he still sits there with me, listening, waiting.  
....that he holds up his end of a conversation without stepping all over me.  
....that look on his face when he's drawing something he's really excited about.
....that when I say I love him he looks like he could fly.
....that when he says he loves me I feel like I could fly.

I love....
....my counterpart.
....my best friend.
....my love.
....my husband.

I love you Sean.






I ran into a dear woman and friend the other day in town and do you know what she called me?!  A bump on a blog!  heehee....  It's true though....much to my own dismay, I have been a bump on this blog lately....  What can I say?  My computer's been down....  
Anyway, I'm back in action, and no longer just sitting here drooling!  
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving celebration with your families!  



Such a nice round number.  31.  Still feels like 30.  
My clock's not REALLY ticking.  We still have lots of time.  So stop inwardly fretting and just wait on the Lord.  Good pep talk! 
No, it's really not that bad, and I'm not really fretting.  I'm not worried about when the Lord will bless us with a family, I just want to be able to chase those little critters around and still be able to move properly.  It's just a thought that's popped into my head the last few days.  Not a worry.  Not a fret.  Not a concern.  Just a passing thought, wafting through my mind like the smell of strawberries on a summer breeze, only not as pleasant.  I'm really just babbling now and should write something meaningful.  

I had a wonderful day!  It started out strange and not what I'd expected, but turned out to be wonderful.  How can a day with Coldstone be anything but?  ;)  Just kidding.  It was not the ice cream or anything like that.  It was getting to spend it with Sean.  And our pups.  It was all the phone calls and emails from friends and family.  And still I continue to babble.  

Hmmmmm, to post or not to post, that is the question....


Snowfall, a crackling fire, and butterbeer

Snow softly fell outside last night while Sean and I snuggled up in front of a roaring fire with two mugs of warm, soothing butterbeer.  Ahhhh, what a good night!  We camped out all night in front of the crackling fire....but the butterbeer didn't last long.  


Renewed Strength

You start to see life not as you thought it once was, but something completely different.  Something strange and out of your control; surreal.  A day might come that you never thought you'd have to face.  But you do it anyway.  You face that day, fists clenched, jaw set, mind screaming, and the day goes on.  You find strength you never knew existed.  Strength to give grace.  Strength to see past the reach of your arms.  Strength to continue breathing.  And you live.  Because that's what we were called to do.  Live - for something greater than ourselves.  You swallow any and all pride you have left, take a deep breath, and jump.  Jump back into a fight that you thought was over, because it's already won.  You push aside the numbness and stoicism that's been blocking your every emotion and you battle.  You battle for all you hold dear.  You dare to believe that with Christ, anything is possible.  And you smile.  



Sean brought it to my attention today, ever so thoughtfully, that it is countdown day....  10.09.08  
The next countdown day?  My birthday next year - 11.10.09  

Today started with fierce winds, then flurries, then a full-out blizzard.  What a different world from last week's still green grass and leaves in the trees.  

"Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind 
As man's ingratitude;"

-Shakespeare, As You Like It

Winter is upon us friends, ready or not....  Enjoy it for what it is - the crispness of the air, the sparkle in the snow....enjoy it!


Random Ramblings

I'm desperately trying to be better at this.  I want to blog.  I want to.  I've never been a big fan of "here are my feelings, my thoughts, my desires...."  I'll try to work on that.  Even if I just put random ramblings on here, diligence I feel, is key.  
So here I sit.  Yep.  Me sitting.  Watching the dogs play and wondering why my computer screen keeps darkening itself.  
I love my dogs.  
Oh!  Speaking of random (or writing) - I read one of the BEST poems the other day....

Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.


And so it begins....again....

Here I am in my third year of a job which I love....However, every year for the last three years I have been seriously injured in the same place in my back and have not healed yet.  After going to countless doctors to be told it was a muscle strain, or all in my head, I was finally given a series of injections, facet blocks, that were mildly successful.  Yesterday, I was re-injured.  I'm not looking for sympathy, just venting, frustrated, lost, and wondering if maybe, just maybe, God is telling me to get a new job.  I may not even post this.  I hate to have my first blog be such a downer.  I wasn't looking for pain for the rest of my life.  I just want to live pain free and have babies and enjoy life....
I know there's got to be some way to fix this.  I pray that, anyway....