

This past weekend, I attended a retreat for the women of several congregations around the state of Alaska.  I was blessed with a scholarship, so it wasn't a financial burden at all and was told repeatedly by my husband that I needed to go so that someone else would be blessed by having given such a generous gift.  My apprehension was not that I secretly dreaded the small talk that would ensue (because I'm awful at that), or the possibility of becoming more transparent in front of my Christian sisters.  My apprehension was buried in the fact that I'd never left Michael before, not overnight anyway.  I was dreading this excursion, solely because I knew I'd be away from my son for roughly 3 days.  That's a long time for a well-seasoned mama, much less a new mama.  (Okay, okay, he's 2, but it's still new compared to a lot of other mamas out there...)  Anyway, I heeded my husband's gentle prodding and conceded to attend the women's retreat.  It was hilariously fun!  I missed my son more than words can say (and I cheated on the second day when I asked Sean to bring me something I'd forgotten at home and got to see both of them for a few minutes), but I learned sososo much about how to live simply for the Lord.  Over the next few posts I'll write more about what I learned and how this time benefitted my walk with the Lord, and my ability to serve Him by serving others.  Much love...


Love your pet...

The conversation I had the other day with a young fella, as he and his mom were beating their dog in the back of their car:
Me:  Hey!  C'mon man!  That's enough!
Him:  Dog chewed up all my stuff!
Me:  Yeah, that happens.  I have 2 dogs that've done that.  Take it easy on her!
Him:  Maybe you should train your dogs!  (What - no self-revelation???)
Me:  Umm... Maybe you should train YOURS.
Him:  Shut up!  (gets in car and speeds away)

Needless to say, this was not the most grown-up conversation I've ever had with anyone, but I feel like God put animals under our care, and we're supposed to do just that - CARE for them.  

Dog gets bored in car, dog chews on pack leader's items...

And so, little "man" and his mom:  I hope you think about how you treat your animals, whether people can see you or not.  And I hope you realize what an amazing friend you have in this beautiful creature that trusts you with their life, whether or not they chew on a few of your things...  


For a season...

I find so often, when I get home at the end of a workday, that the last little smidgeon of energy I have left goes into Michael.  And poor Sean; by the time he gets out of bed to start his work day, I've none left.
I keep telling myself that it's only for a season.  Someday we're not going to have opposite schedules and we'll get to spend some real time together.  Someday I'll get to stay home with Michael and care for him and Sean and our home the way I want to...  :)  And I look forward to that day with an eagerness that cannot be described.  But it makes my heart soar.  :)
But for now, for a season, for the time being (the same time that seems to fly so fast right past me) I attempt every morning to be a grace, a blessing to the people I encounter on a daily basis.  The kids I see.  The parents I talk to.  Every day my heart breaks for the people I work with.  Every day my heart breaks for my family.  And every day, my heart thanks the Lord that we're eating and staying dry and warm.
So right now, as the time flies, I make every attempt to make every moment with Sean and Michael be beautiful.
And that's why I've been so neglecting of this blog...
For a season...

So much to say...

';oooo\o\ooo\o\o\o\ooo   kkkk,



Video Version

Here's the video trilogy of St. Baldrick's...  :)  Ooh, sounds so exciting!  My first trilogy...  ;)

St. Baldrick's Part I, Fellowship of the Shavees
A brave group of people of all sizes and ages join forces (and lose hair) to raise money for kids that battle cancer.

St. Baldrick's Part II, The Two Shavees
Two friends from work continue the journey of shaving their heads in solidarity with kids with cancer.

St. Baldrick's Part III, Return of the Shavees
The two friends, clean shaven, are free from their chairs, to be returned safely to their loved ones for much rejoicing.


Happy day!

Of St. Patrick!  And....ST. BALDRICK!!!  While not a "real man," St. Baldrick calls people to donate money to help fund research and treatment for kids that battle cancer.  In exchange?  You get to see your friends bald.
The phrase of the night tonight was "bald is beautiful!"  I've never been so proud or happy to see so many people come together and give of themselves, quite literally.  It was amazing - and I loved getting to see all those beautiful little bald heads running around the building.  Okay, well the heads weren't running, but you know what I mean...
Here are some photos from the evening...

Me before: (with hair)

"Activities other than shaving" (Thank you, Clarion!)  ;)

Hangin' out with Bampa...

Amanda & me...bald as can be!  ;)

SO glad he didn't flip out...  :)

Dan et moi

And here's the donation/hair/stuff... (18-20 inches of hopefully usable hair!)

I hope you all had an amazing St. Patty's day as well!  :)  If you didn't happen to get to donate for St. Baldrick's and it's REALLY REALLY bugging you, Relay For Life is coming up!  ;)


These Courageous Kids

Soon I'm gonna be bald.
Some might not understand a desire to do something so...off-the-wall to promote cancer research and treatment for kids.  Imagine your child (if you're a parent, if not, imagine a child you love DEARLY) battling a disease that not only takes so much of their energy and vitality, but also often takes their hair, causes pain, and even sometimes takes their life...  I've seen so many children go down this road.  Stronger than I could ever hope to be - all of them.  Little troopers all the way - not complaining, not whining, not huffing around; but embracing the life they have.  Of all of the kids I have followed and prayed for over the last few, short years, there is only one still on the road.  It's a heartbreaking disease, and while I can't fix it or end it or stop it in its tracks, I can help find funding.  I can donate my renewable resource so that some brave kid somewhere can have something to cover that beautiful little noggin.
I guess people just need to know, and then to act.  We might not cure cancer right now.  But what we do now makes a difference - in the lives and hearts of those fighting right now.
And someday, we'll be able to look back and say, "we kicked cancer to the curb!"
And for all those COURAGEOUS kids out there - you keep on keepin' on!!!



Finding my Mary

Some of you may have heard me comment on the fact that I need to find my inner Mary.  So often in life I get caught up in the tasks at hand that I fail to stop and just listen.  Observe.  Enjoy.  My Martha takes over.  When I meet my Maker, He's not going to care how many dishes I did or that my house was spotless more often than not (which it is, save for the small scattering of toys left stranded by a toddler in full motion - which I *LOVE*), His focus is going to be on whether or not I connected with this life and lived it to the fullest for His glory.

I am so thankful that I have a husband that reminds me of that.  We are so opposite in some respects but it's so good for me, to hear that it's okay to just leave things for a moment and enjoy the people in your life instead of obsessing over whether or not that pan in the sink is done soaking quite yet (which it's not)...

I am so thankful that this wonderful husband is also so good with our son, and takes his time, not wrapped up in the task itself, but enjoying the moments and the learning going on.  THIS has helped me so much to just slow down and enjoy all the wonderful blessings in my life - having Michael and being with Sean.  My son will only be learning things for the first time ONE TIME.  He's not going to stop growing into the boy, then teen, then young man, then man we're shaping him to be, and I don't want to miss a bit of that.

It's good to serve those around you.  In fact, that's my primary love language - acts of service.  I want to teach Michael that having a servant's heart is so valuable.  But it's also good to just be together (quality time was a CLOSE second).  Relationships are also so valuable and I find myself neglecting my relationships for the tasks I have at hand.  And for that, I am sorry...

Now, I know some of you will tell me that tasks do, in fact, have to be completed and that it's good for Michael to see some responsibility played out.  THAT'S not what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about not getting so wrapped up in the little, insignificant don't-matter tasks that I miss out on a few someones who really want to just bond.  I'm talking about letting go of the little things, so that I don't miss out on the big things in life...  Don't sweat the small stuff, right?  I'm workin' on it, I'm workin' on it...

38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” 
41 And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:38-42