Michael's taken to calling me Honey.
He immediately follows this with, "WHERE'S MY SUPERSUIT???" We do the entire conversation. It's magical. So often in my family, especially while growing up, conversations consisted wholly or mostly of movie quotes. It's funny to see that a trait like that has been inherited. He's also really into pancakes right now, and would eat them for every meal if he could. His new favorite thing to watch is "Mountain Troll" (that's what he calls it) - and will sing along like a pro...
Ben has been eating anything he can get his little hands on. He's also enjoying cruising. (Sounds like a teenager already...) Still army-crawling wherever he REALLY needs to go, but he sure gets there fast! The ugly: he's been refusing his afternoon nap. Isn't it a little early to go to one nap??? o.O
I wish we could hang out, and watch our boys interact! :-)
Claire - that would be so great! :D
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