

"24 voices, with 24 hearts,
All of my symphonies, in 24 parts..."

No - there are NOT 24 babies in here - no matter what it might look like to some... These are my favorite lines from a song by Switchfoot. It's a great song - and you should check it out sometime if you've never heard it - very moving...
Today, my friends, I am 24 weeks along...
We've been having more movement every day, and baby rolled yesterday for the first time (that I could feel - VERY weird, but very amazing feeling)... ;D
God has blessed us so much with this baby - and I just hope that we can raise up our child in the way he or she should go, teach our child well, and be able to stand back when it's time for him or her to make decisions. Holy cow - what a trip!
We had a great check-up today - a growing baby with a strong heartbeat - such a wonderful sound! ;D
Soon this little person will be here - I have no words...
I took belly pics today, and will post them tomorrow... :)


glitzen said...

I am going to have to check out that song. I'm so excited for you guys...wow! I love how you love this little gift, so much already. Wait until you look into their little face, grasp their finger and your heart explodes! Seriously, it feels like you have been re-born..a mommy! Its an amazing feeling.

Jess :) said...

I can't WAIT! :) Though I know I must.... ;D
I can imagine so many things, and I know it'll all be amazing and different.... :D